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Welcome to the Bloomingdale's API Documentation Portal

This is the place to find the technical documentation you need to build powerful applications against our robust APIs! Using our APIs, you can query store events, and details; perform catalog category, product, and keyword searches; create and retrieve user profiles, and order a Virtual Gift Card.

Available API's



Ad Media Services Includes information about Category and Global Ad Media calls.
Catalog Services

Catalog: Includes information about various versions of the categoryproduct, searchreviews, and refreshstatus calls.

Customer Services Customer: Includes information about various customer lists, user profile services, loyalty services, etc.
Mobile Utility Services Includes opt in/outlogging and app config services for mobile applications.
Order Services Includes information about Bag, Checkout, and VGC services.
Promotion and Coupon Services Includes services for promotions.
Protected Services

OAuth Protected Services require OAuth2.0 authorization and a token to be accessed. Services provide access to bloomingales.com user and registry details as well as merging a shopping bag.

Registry Services
Includes information about how to view a registry as a guest by name or by registry id
Store Services Store: Includes information about various versions of the  events, detailfocusdetail (Using Store Number), and focusdetail (Using Location Number) calls.


Useful info about Bloomingdale's API



Common API Characteristics
Describes characteristics that are common across all  Bloomingale's APIs, such as the need for an API key, HTTP headers, implementing OAuth, and the available output formats.
Error Handling Lists the common errors encountered when using Bloomingale's API
Deprecated Services          Lists the no longer supported Bloomingdale's services.
Bloomingdale's API FAQ Frequently asked questions about Bloomingdale's API and their respective answers.
What's New
New API being developed

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