This service allows users to find the closest Bloomingdales' stores. It supports look up by zip code, by city and state, or by latitude and longitude.
HTTP Method and Request URL
Path and Query Parameters
HTTP Header Parameters
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Sample Value |
Accept | Detemines output format. Can be application/json or application/xml. | Yes |
application/json application/xml |
x-macys-webservice-client-id | Pass the api key as a header value which is called x-macys-webservice-client-id. The api key is the 24 character alphanumeric string assigned to your application when you registered it. Go to for a list of your API keys. |
Yes | xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Sample Value |
city |
Stores look up by combination of state and city. Third in priority if latitude and longitude and/or zipcode also supplied. | No | city=Sunnyvale&state=CA |
latitude longitude |
Stores look up by global coordinates. First in priority if city and state and/or zipcode also supplied. | No | latitude=37.355965&longitude=-122.01318 |
zipcode | Stores look up by zip code. Second in priority if latitude and longitude and/or city and state also supplied. | No | zipcode=94086 |
callback | If sent, the format is JSONP (JSON with Padding) with the callback returned with the JSON response. You can put anything in the callback parameter and whatever you send is returned. |
No | magicofbloomingdalesapi |
Sample Requests and Responses
Sample Request
Request URL:
HTTP Headers:
x-macys-webservice-client-id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Sample Response
{ "store": [{ "storeId": 50014, "divisionId": "1", "locationNumber": 366, "storeNumber": 31, "name": "Stanford", "storemap": ",%20-122.171266&client=gme-macysinc&signature=YktGWjipMCPKdTyka5Aq7BcBXhk%3D", "phone": "650-463-2000", "address": { "line1": "1 Stanford Shopping Center", "line2": "", "city": "Palo Alto", "state": "CA", "countryCode": "USA ", "zipCode": "94304" }, "workingHours": [{ "date": "2014-04-07", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-08", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-09", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-10", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-11", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-12", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-13", "storeopenhour": "12:00", "storeclosehour": "19:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-14", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-15", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-16", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-17", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-18", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-19", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }], "location": { "latitude": 37.44291, "longitude": -122.171266 }, "distance": 10.553772113639955, "units": "mi", "order": 1, "attributes": [{ "name": "BOPS_NPD", "values": ["20-APR-14", "25-DEC-14", "27-NOV-14"] }, { "name": "BOPS_STORE_OPEN_BUFFER", "values": ["01:00"] }, { "name": "BOPS_STORE_PHONE", "values": ["6504632220"] }, { "name": "PORTRAIT_IMAGE", "values": ["/dyn_img/stores/stanford.jpg"] }, { "name": "MANAGER_NAME", "values": ["Dana Zeldin"] }, { "name": "STORE_REGION_LOCATION", "values": ["West"] }, { "name": "TIMEZONE", "values": ["PST"] }, { "name": "LATITUDE", "values": ["37.44291"] }, { "name": "BOPS_PICKUP_INSTRUCTIONS", "values": ["-"] }, { "name": "DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS_INDICATOR", "values": ["TRUE"] }, { "name": "SL_BRIDAL", "values": ["TRUE"] }, { "name": "STORE_TYPE_DESC", "values": ["NOF"] }, { "name": "SERVICES", "values": ["The Registry 650-463-2126 Credit Customer Service 866-593-3927"] }, { "name": "STORE_LISTING_ENABLED", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "BOPS_PICKUP_CUTOFF", "values": ["01:00"] }, { "name": "BOPS_SLA_HOURS", "values": ["4"] }, { "name": "LONGITUDE", "values": ["-122.171266"] }, { "name": "GMT_OFFSET", "values": ["-8"] }, { "name": "BOPS_ELIGIBILITY", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "HAS_EVENTS", "values": ["TRUE"] }] }, { "storeId": 110066, "divisionId": "1", "locationNumber": 6086, "storeNumber": 190, "name": "Livermore Paragon Outlets", "storemap": ",%20-121.84259&client=gme-macysinc&signature=yNmVHwoPYaVvhAJRbzmTnTJm4BE%3D", "phone": "925-273-6190", "address": { "line1": "NOW OPEN!", "line2": "3130 Paragon Outlets Drive", "city": "Livermore", "state": "CA", "countryCode": "USA ", "zipCode": "94551" }, "workingHours": [{ "date": "2014-04-07", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-08", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-09", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-10", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-11", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-12", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-13", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "20:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-14", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-15", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-16", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-17", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-18", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-19", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }], "location": { "latitude": 37.6964111, "longitude": -121.84259 }, "distance": 25.31187308051194, "units": "mi", "order": 2, "attributes": [{ "name": "SL_BRIDAL", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "STORE_TYPE_DESC", "values": ["OUT"] }, { "name": "PORTRAIT_IMAGE", "values": [""] }, { "name": "MANAGER_NAME", "values": ["Larry Kwan"] }, { "name": "STORE_REGION_LOCATION", "values": ["Mid West"] }, { "name": "STORE_LISTING_ENABLED", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "LONGITUDE", "values": ["-121.84259"] }, { "name": "LATITUDE", "values": ["37.6964111"] }, { "name": "BOPS_ELIGIBILITY", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "HAS_EVENTS", "values": ["TRUE"] }] }, { "storeId": 110039, "divisionId": "1", "locationNumber": 2371, "storeNumber": 22, "name": "San Francisco Centre", "storemap": ",%20-122.4066717&client=gme-macysinc&signature=R7AdZikqJGWQG9gdMD5ni-NJXJY%3D", "phone": "415-856-5300", "address": { "line1": "845 Market Street", "line2": "", "city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA", "countryCode": "USA ", "zipCode": "94103" }, "workingHours": [{ "date": "2014-04-07", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-08", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-09", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-10", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-11", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-12", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-13", "storeopenhour": "11:00", "storeclosehour": "19:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-14", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-15", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-16", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-17", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-18", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }, { "date": "2014-04-19", "storeopenhour": "10:00", "storeclosehour": "21:00" }], "location": { "latitude": 37.7849478, "longitude": -122.4066717 }, "distance": 36.645318614634284, "units": "mi", "order": 3, "attributes": [{ "name": "BOPS_NPD", "values": ["20-APR-14", "25-DEC-13", "25-DEC-14", "27-NOV-14", "28-NOV-13"] }, { "name": "BOPS_STORE_OPEN_BUFFER", "values": ["01:00"] }, { "name": "SL_SHOPPER", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "PORTRAIT_IMAGE", "values": ["/dyn_img/stores/sanfrancisco.jpg"] }, { "name": "SL_VISITOR", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "TIMEZONE", "values": ["PST"] }, { "name": "LATITUDE", "values": ["37.7849478"] }, { "name": "BOPS_PICKUP_INSTRUCTIONS", "values": ["Concierge on level 1"] }, { "name": "DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS_INDICATOR", "values": ["TRUE"] }, { "name": "STORE_TYPE_DESC", "values": ["NOF"] }, { "name": "SL_MATTRESS", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "BOPS_SLA_HOURS", "values": ["4"] }, { "name": "BOPS_PICKUP_CUTOFF", "values": ["01:00"] }, { "name": "SL_MATERNITY", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "BOPS_STORE_PHONE", "values": ["4158565402"] }, { "name": "MANAGER_NAME", "values": ["Alan Svensen"] }, { "name": "SL_RESTAURANT", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "STORE_REGION_LOCATION", "values": ["West"] }, { "name": "SHORT_DESC", "values": ["Visit our new store in San Francisco, now open!"] }, { "name": "SL_BRIDAL", "values": ["TRUE"] }, { "name": "SL_FURNITURE", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "SERVICES", "values": ["Online Order Pickup Concierge on level 1 415-856-5402 Personal Shopping - At Your Service 415-856-5537 The Registry 415-856-5378 Credit Customer Service 866-593-3927 Visitor Services 415-856-5477 WiFi available at this location."] }, { "name": "STORE_LISTING_ENABLED", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "SL_THISIT", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "LONGITUDE", "values": ["-122.4066717"] }, { "name": "SL_DESIGN", "values": ["FALSE"] }, { "name": "GMT_OFFSET", "values": ["-8"] }, { "name": "BOPS_ELIGIBILITY", "values": ["TRUE"] }, { "name": "HAS_EVENTS", "values": ["TRUE"] }] }], "success": true }
Error Codes
Call Specific Error Codes:
General Error Handling Documentation:
Docs Navigation
- Overview
- Customer Services
- Loyalty Services
- customer v1 user profile services
- Common API Characteristics
- Ad Media
- Catalog and Store Services
- Order Services
- Mobile Utilities
- Promotion and Coupon Services
- Registry Services
- Store Services
- Error Handling
- Deprecated Services
- What's New
- Bloomingdale's API FAQ
- Quick Start Guide
- BOPS Stores
- user