Bag Guides
The following documents are to help developers understand the complex workflows involved in managing Macy's Shopping Bags:
Document | Description |
Bag Work Flow | Describes the basic workflows of Retreiving a shopping bag, Adding items, Updating items, and deleting items |
Modifying MAKECHOICE GWP | Describes how to identify GWP's (Gifts with Purchase) that require your to make a choice and how to update the bag with your choice |
Adding a PWP to your Bag | Described how to identify PWP's (Purchase with a Purchase) and add to bag if wanted. |
BOPS Bag | Describes how to Add, Delete and Update BOPS items in a shopping bag. |
Credit Card Types Guide | Describes the Credit Card Codes and their corresponding Credit Cards. |
Docs Navigation
- Overview
- Customer Services
- Loyalty Services
- customer v1 user profile services
- Common API Characteristics
- Ad Media
- Catalog and Store Services
- Order Services
- Mobile Utilities
- Promotion and Coupon Services
- Registry Services
- Store Services
- Error Handling
- Deprecated Services
- What's New
- Bloomingdale's API FAQ
- Quick Start Guide
- BOPS Stores
- user