Bag Workflow Guide
Following is an example workflow on using shopping bag services to adjust a Macy's shopping bag.
1. Retrieve the Bag ID from
The Bag ID is available as soon as the customer adds an item to the shopping bag.
2. Retrieve the Bag Using the Bag ID:
This method allows your application to view the contents of a bag and retrieve the User ID. User ID is also found in a cookie stored in your browser.
Request URL
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138991252, "bagGUID": "22e9e3f1-7324-42a3-8ae4-4de0767f86e9", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2196851913, "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 24.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 24.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 39.9, "itemCount": 1, "grandTotal": 704.9, "merchandiseTotal": 665, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 0, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "originalPrice": 24.95, "promotionId": 8712, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 24.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "expirationDate": "2037-12-31", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 665, "itemTrackInfo": "cmexplore=4.4706-_-17-_-88-_--_--_--_--_--_--_-1-_--_--_--_-58-_--_-BOPS: Store Unknown-_--_-SINGLE ITEM-_--_-1-_--_--_--_-1-_--_-Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:24:01 GMT-_--_-store_only_product-_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-N-_-FITPREDICT|OUT", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 665, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 665, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 709808, "trackingCategory": "1003796", "upcId": 1548813, "upcNumber": "7630015513566", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
3. Add an Item to a Shopping Bag with User ID
Request URL
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Request Body (Payload)
{ "item": { "quantity": "1", "upcId": "2250241", "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX" } }
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138991252, "bagGUID": "22e9e3f1-7324-42a3-8ae4-4de0767f86e9", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2196851913, "userGuid": "1131028a-82ef-4daa-bf17-dc584d42d199", "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 24.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 24.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 153.6, "itemCount": 2, "grandTotal": 2713.6, "merchandiseTotal": 2560, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 0, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "originalPrice": 24.95, "promotionId": 8712, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 24.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "expirationDate": "2037-12-31", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 665, "itemTrackInfo": "cmexplore=4.4706-_-17-_-88-_--_--_--_--_--_--_-1-_--_--_--_-58-_--_-BOPS: Store Unknown-_--_-SINGLE ITEM-_--_-1-_--_--_--_-1-_--_-Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:24:01 GMT-_--_-store_only_product-_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-N-_-FITPREDICT|OUT", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 665, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 665, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 709808, "trackingCategory": "1003796", "upcId": 1548813, "upcNumber": "7630015513566", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 1895, "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 1895, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 1895, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1235708, "upcId": 2250241, "upcNumber": "7630015674861", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
4. Retrieve the Bag to Confirm the Item was Added
Request URL
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138991252, "bagGUID": "22e9e3f1-7324-42a3-8ae4-4de0767f86e9", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2196851913, "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 24.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 24.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 153.6, "itemCount": 2, "grandTotal": 2713.6, "merchandiseTotal": 2560, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 0, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "originalPrice": 24.95, "promotionId": 8712, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 24.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "expirationDate": "2037-12-31", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 665, "itemTrackInfo": "cmexplore=4.4706-_-17-_-88-_--_--_--_--_--_--_-1-_--_--_--_-58-_--_-BOPS: Store Unknown-_--_-SINGLE ITEM-_--_-1-_--_--_--_-1-_--_-Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:24:01 GMT-_--_-store_only_product-_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-N-_-FITPREDICT|OUT", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 665, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 665, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 709808, "trackingCategory": "1003796", "upcId": 1548813, "upcNumber": "7630015513566", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 1895, "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 1895, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 1895, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1235708, "upcId": 2250241, "upcNumber": "7630015674861", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
5. Update an Item in the Bag:
Request URL
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Request Body (Payload)
{ "item": { "quantity": "2", "upcId": "1548813", "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX" } }
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138991252, "bagGUID": "22e9e3f1-7324-42a3-8ae4-4de0767f86e9", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2196851913, "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 24.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 24.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 153.6, "itemCount": 2, "grandTotal": 2713.6, "merchandiseTotal": 2560, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 0, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "originalPrice": 24.95, "promotionId": 8712, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 24.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "expirationDate": "2037-12-31", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 665, "itemTrackInfo": "cmexplore=4.4706-_-17-_-88-_--_--_--_--_--_--_-1-_--_--_--_-58-_--_-BOPS: Store Unknown-_--_-SINGLE ITEM-_--_-1-_--_--_--_-1-_--_-Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:24:01 GMT-_--_-store_only_product-_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-N-_-FITPREDICT|OUT", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 665, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 665, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 709808, "trackingCategory": "1003796", "upcId": 1548813, "upcNumber": "7630015513566", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 1895, "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 1895, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 1895, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1235708, "upcId": 2250241, "upcNumber": "7630015674861", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
6. Retrieve the Bag to Confirm the Change in Quantity
Request URL
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138991252, "bagGUID": "22e9e3f1-7324-42a3-8ae4-4de0767f86e9", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2196851913, "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 24.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 24.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 153.6, "itemCount": 2, "grandTotal": 2713.6, "merchandiseTotal": 2560, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 0, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "originalPrice": 24.95, "promotionId": 8712, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 24.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "expirationDate": "2037-12-31", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 665, "itemTrackInfo": "cmexplore=4.4706-_-17-_-88-_--_--_--_--_--_--_-1-_--_--_--_-58-_--_-BOPS: Store Unknown-_--_-SINGLE ITEM-_--_-1-_--_--_--_-1-_--_-Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:24:01 GMT-_--_-store_only_product-_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-N-_-FITPREDICT|OUT", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 665, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 665, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 709808, "trackingCategory": "1003796", "upcId": 1548813, "upcNumber": "7630015513566", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 }, { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 1895, "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 1895, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 1895, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1235708, "upcId": 2250241, "upcNumber": "7630015674861", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
7. Delete an Item from the Bag:
Request URL
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Request Body (Payload)
{ "deleteitemsrequest": { "upcid": 1548813 } }
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138991252, "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2196851913, "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 24.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 24.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 113.7, "itemCount": 1, "grandTotal": 2008.7, "merchandiseTotal": 1895, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 0, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "originalPrice": 24.95, "promotionId": 8712, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 24.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "expirationDate": "2037-12-31", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 1895, "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 1895, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 1895, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1235708, "upcId": 2250241, "upcNumber": "7630015674861", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
8. Retrieve the Bag to Confirm the Item is Removed
Request URL
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138991252, "bagGUID": "22e9e3f1-7324-42a3-8ae4-4de0767f86e9", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2196851913, "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 24.95, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 0, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 24.95, "surcharges": 0, "total": 0 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 113.7, "itemCount": 1, "grandTotal": 2008.7, "merchandiseTotal": 1895, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 0, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [ { "desc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "originalPrice": 24.95, "promotionId": 8712, "scope": "ORDER", "target": "SHIPPING", "type": "Free Shipping", "amountDiscounted": 24.95, "adjustedCost": 0, "operationDesc": "Free Shipping on orders of $150 or more", "expirationDate": "2037-12-31", "itemSequenceNumber": 0, "requiredBCCCard": false, "loyaltyAddSavings": false, "loyaltyIncreaseSavings": false, "propCardAddSavings": false, "propCardIncreaseSavings": false } ], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 0, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 1895, "itemTrackInfo": "XxxxxxxxXXXXXxxxxxXXXX", "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 1895, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 1895, "sequenceNumber": 2, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1235708, "upcId": 2250241, "upcNumber": "7630015674861", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
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