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What's New

At Bloomingdale's, we're committed to offering the services you need to build rich applications.  Here are the latest methods to support your effort.

Order Services

Bag V1

Method NameDescription
Add Item to Bag V1 This service allows users to add items to the bloomingdales.com shopping bag.
Retrieve Bag V1 This service returns information and contents of the shopping bag
Update Bag V1 This service updates quanties of items in the shopping bag.
Delete items from Bag V1 This service allows users to delete items from the bloomingdales.com shopping bag.

Merge Bag V1 (Protected) If a user adds a item to a bag and that is not associated with a Authenticated user account a guest bag ID and guest user ID is assigned.  When a user wants to merge this guest bag with a user account bag this service is used.
Bag Guides Documents that describe various shopping bag flows that are encountered while using the Shopping Bag Services API.

Checkout V1 (Guest Checkout)

Method NameDescription
Initiate Checkout V1 This service allows you to begin the checkout process of a shopping bag to finalize your orders.
Process Order V1 This service allows you to provide needed data to process your order.
Update Order V1 This service allows you to make any needed changes to process your order.
Place Order V1 This service allows you to finalize and place your order.

Store Services

Method NameDescription
Events V1
Find store events
Store Location V2
Find store information based on location number or store number.  You can also return store information base on location specified in a variety of ways.  In addition you can request store availability information for products and upc's.


Protected Services

Checkout V1

Method NameDescription
Initiate Checkout This service allows you to begin the checkout process of a shopping bag to finalize your orders.
Process Order This service allows you to provide needed data to process your order.
Update Order This service allows you to make any needed changes to process your order.
Place Order This service allows you to finalize and place your order.

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