Add to Bag
This service enables users to add items to shopping bag for a user. It enables the user to add an item to the shopping bag with each request.
NOTE: If no user or bag is specified when adding an item, a guest bag/user is created. If you want to merge your guest bag with a specific user account, use Merge Bag.
HTTP Method and Request URL
HTTP, Path and Query Parameters
HTTP Header Parameters
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Sample Value |
x-macys-webservice-client-id | Pass the apikey as a header value which is called x-macys-webservice-client-id. The api key is the 24 character alphanumeric string assigned to your application when you registered it. Click here for a list of your API keys. | Yes |
xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh |
Accept | Specifies the output format. Can be application/json or application/xml. | Yes |
application/json application/xml |
Content-Type | Specifies the format of body sent. Can be application/json or application/xml. | Yes |
application/json application/xml |
Cookie | The cookie macys_online_uid needs to be set with the user id of the customer. | Either this or UserID (guest id) param is required | macys_online_uid=user_id ( |
Parameter | Description | Mandatory | Sample Value |
upcId | UPC ID that identifies the item | Yes, if UPC Number not entered |
1628668 |
pWPIndicator | PWP (Purchase with a Purchase) indicator. When adding a PWP to your bag this must be set to "true" | No | true |
promotionid | Promotion ID. This must be present when adding a PWP to the bag |
No | 19825999 |
Quantity | Quantity of the item selected | Yes | 1 |
promocode | Promotion code to be applied on the item/bag | No | |
RegistryID | If an item from the registry is selected, add registry ID | No | |
WIshlistID | If an item from a wishlist is selected, add registry ID | No | |
customprice | value of the gift card & only applicable for VGC/EGC | No | |
syndicationitemid | Only applicable for EGC | No | |
recipientemail | Recipients email for VGC | No | |
from | Name of user to be used in gift card subject | No | |
message | Gift card message | No | |
to | Recipients name | No |
Sample Request
Request URL:
Sample Header:
X-Macys-Webservice-Client-Id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Request Body(Payload)
{ "item": { "quantity": "1", "upcId": "1628668" } }
Sample Response
{ "bag": { "bagId": 138733692, "bagGUID": "11a2d0f7-d4a1-48eb-af1f-07fd17abb88b", "storeLocationNumber": 0, "owner": { "userId": 2194191065, "userGuid": "d4d8f7a7-3091-4dc7-b3d3-b36d14407c62", "bccUser": false, "userRegistryId": 0 }, "shippingSummary": { "discount": 0, "method": "G", "standardCharges": 11, "standardChargesBeforeDicsount": 11, "surcharges": 0, "total": 11 }, "bagSummary": { "estimatedTax": 6, "itemCount": 1, "grandTotal": 116.99, "merchandiseTotal": 99.99, "totalPersonalizationFee": 0, "totalSaved": 175.01, "yaqAmount": 0 }, "promotions": [], "items": [ { "autoAddChoice": "ADD", "discount": 175.01, "giftCardAmount": 0, "giftId": 0, "personalizationFlag": false, "gwpItemFlag": false, "isItemFromWishList": false, "pwpItemFlag": false, "specialItemFlag": false, "itemTotal": 99.99, "mergeRequiredFlag": false, "originalPrice": 275, "personalizationFee": 0, "pickupRegistryApplicable": true, "pickUpFromStore": false, "promotionId": 0, "wishListId": 0, "quantity": 1, "retailPrice": 99.99, "sequenceNumber": 1, "siteAvailablilityFlag": true, "surcharges": 0, "productId": 1111748, "upcId": 1628668, "upcNumber": "886329769121", "uycTotalDiscountedPrice": 0, "uycDiscountedPercentage": 0, "uycPercentDiscount": 0 } ], "promotionOffers": [], "uycApplicable": false } }
Error Codes
Call Specific Error Codes:
General Error Handling Documentation:
Docs Navigation
- Overview
- Customer Services
- Loyalty Services
- customer v1 user profile services
- Common API Characteristics
- Ad Media
- Catalog and Store Services
- Order Services
- Mobile Utilities
- Promotion and Coupon Services
- Registry Services
- Store Services
- Error Handling
- Deprecated Services
- What's New
- Bloomingdale's API FAQ
- Quick Start Guide
- BOPS Stores
- user