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Catalog and Store Services

Catalog Services

Catalog services give you access to the Bloomingdale's product line in a variety of ways:

Method NameDescription
Category V3 The Catalog Category Services are resources that return Bloomingdale's Category and Product information.
Product V3 The Catalog Product Services are resources that return detailed Bloomingdale's Product information.
Search Phrase V4
This service allows the users to search for a keyword and return product results matching that particular keyword.
Reviews V3 This service displays ratings and reviews for products.
Refreshstatus V3 This service returns the status and time of last data refresh.

Store services

The Store Services are resources that return a variety of store information

Methods Available

Method NameDescription
Events V2
Find store events
Detail V2
Find store details (Find closest Bloomingdale's Stores based on zip, city-state, or latitude-longitude)
Focus Detail (Using Store Number) V2
Find store details using Store Number (Find Specific Store or return store data for specified State)
Focus Detail (Using Location Number) V2 Find store details using Location Number (Find Specific Store or return store data for specified State)

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