• Register

Update Loyalty Account Info


This service enables users to enroll in a Loyalty account

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HTTP Method and Request URL



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HTTP, Path and Query Parameters

HTTP Header Parameters

Parameter Description Mandatory Sample Value
x-macys-webservice-client-id Pass the apikey as a header value which is called x-macys-webservice-client-id. The api key is the 24 character alphanumeric string assigned to your application when you registered it. 
Click here for a list of your API keys.
Yes xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
Accept Specifies the output format. Can be application/json or application/xml. Yes application/json

Request Body Parameters
Parameter Description Mandatory Sample Value
id This is the users loyalty number.  Yes, can be used without other parameters. 
firstName This is the users first name YES Jeff
lastName This is the users last name.
YES Bloomie
addressLine1 First line of the user's address YES 4425 Bidwell Dr.
addressLine2 Second Line of the user's address YES Apt. H
city The users city YES Fremont
stateCD The users state YES CA
postalCd This users zipcode. YES 94107
phone This is the users phone number. YES 8002896229
email The users email address YES jeff@test.com
dayOfBirth The users day of birth YES 28
monthOfBirth This is the users Month of Birth YES 07

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Sample Requests and Responses

Request URL:



Sample Header:

x-macys-webservice-client-id: xmj9js4jkdpe1983fmwu98gh
x-macys-clientId: client_id
Accept: application/json


Request Body(Payload)


Sample Request Body (Payload)

  "loyalty": {
    "firstName": "Jeff",
    "lastName": "Bloomie",
    "addressLine1": "4425 Bidwell Dr",
    "addressLine2": "Apt H",
    "city": "Fremont",
    "stateCd": "CA",
    "postalCd": "94538",
    "phone": "723-734-1234",
    "email": "jeff@test.com",
    "dayOfBirth": "28",
    "monthOfBirth": "07"


Sample Response

200 OK
Customer Update Successful


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Error Codes

Call Specific Error Codes:


General Error Handling Documentation:

Click Here

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